JoeyStarr takes over Nagui live on France Inter


MEDIA – As part of the promotion of the documentary series "The Road of Thirst" – which follows JoeyStarr in the Caribbean to trace the history of rum – Nagui received the rapper in his show "The Original Band", aired on France Inter this 27th of November. If the interview went well, it was almost finished when, wanting to stay in the theme of the series, the host wanted to illustrate the report of JoeyStarr rum …

If Nagui points out that the rapper has merry alcohol in the documentary, he points out that in life, it's obviously another story. In an adventurous mood, he begins to tell a past anecdote, which occurred on the set of the musical program "Taratata".

"I remember a scene that shocked us all, with a girl still working on" Taratata " […] "Your team took your rum from the box and you were very upset not to have your rum …"

A rather perilous remark when we know the unpredictability of JoeyStarr, who has not failed to react.

"Ah no, there I think you're talking shit I can be very pissed for stuff, but hey, I do not force people, that's my problem, I think I'm going to be very upset about something else in my opinion ".

"It was your team that did that," says Nagui. To which the actor retorts "Okay, well, my team, I've got them all since [rires]".

If the facilitator then tries to calm the exchange by justifying the usefulness of his remark ("It is to know what alcohol you have precisely: happy, nervous, disinhibiting?") Questioned by half of the duo NTM , he finally comes back to get the end of the story: "Your team was not cool because …". "It's me or them who are not cool, you know," said JoeyStarr quickly. "I think you're talking shit."

"No, unfortunately, there was too much stuff, the poor girl had been accused …", Nagui says again before being interrupted by JoeyStarr, who concludes: "The day you told me shit while we were on a telethon, I did not send my hand in the mouth, like I have cool alcohol. "

More fear than harm for the two men, who chose to follow on a lighter note.

Earlier in the show, JoeyStarr said "do nothing in moderation". Nagui for sure, will remember it.

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