Johnny Hallyday: How Jade and Joy prepared the homage to their father


On Monday, November 26, 2018, C8 broadcast a unique and exceptional documentary by Laurence Ferrari, titled Johnny, a year already: a special day. This one-hour film goes back to the day of December 9, 2017, the one of the popular tribute to the Madeleine, with those who, like Hélène Darroze, best friend of Laeticia Hallyday, lived it from the inside.

In this documentary, Hélène Darroze and Jean Reno, particularly touched by these events, tell how young girls Hallyday, Jade (14 years old) and Joy (10 years old), wanted to participate. The head and the actor are very close to the small ones: Hélène is besides the godmother of Joy and Jean, the godfather of Jade. After the tributes of the writers and friends of Johnny Hallyday, Philippe Labro and Daniel Rondeau, it was Jean Reno's turn to speak with a poem by Prévert on behalf of the girls. A shocking moment.

"That's very strong too", comments Hélène Darroze, it is she who proposed this Song snails that go to the funeral and that Jade and Joy loved it a lot. Jean Reno remembers: "I was at [Johnny], the day before. I was sitting in the living room. They came to see me and they asked me if I could say that. I thought, wow, will I be able to say it? I say of course, we will not say no, I will do it. It was my duty. I said to myself: 'Listen, you'll say this poem, you'll say it very simply. You will not play it. '"

Wow, will I be able to say it?

"At the burial of a dead leaf, two snails go away (…) The stories of coffins, it is sad and not pretty. Take back your colors. The colors of life (…) They stagger a little bit. But up there in the sky, the moon watches over themPrévert writes, Jean Reno is upset when he recites this poem, but despite the sadness, he manages to keep an innocence in his voice, beautiful to hear.The actor really spoke for Jade and Joy. Joined on the bench, in the front row of the church of the Madeleine, Jean Reno, exhausted by grief, gently tapping Joy's knee while Laeticia strokes his arm as a thank you.

The ceremony continues with Line Renaud's shocking speech and the music of Johnny Hallyday's musicians around the white casket. The whole church applauded in rhythm. Never seen.

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