Large deployment of police forces at the Graslin Theater this Tuesday evening


Place Graslin, its fountain and its theater, Nantes. – F.Brenon / 20Minutes

Big police device around the theater Graslin this Tuesday evening in the city center of Nantes. "We have heard of a threatening message around the show of the Iranian singer
Sahar Mohammadi, explained to 20 minutes Johann Mougenot, the cabinet director of the prefect. As a precautionary measure, a safety device composed in particular of the Raid has therefore been put in place. Still according to the prefecture, the show went "to an end" in calm. "There was no evacuation or confinement", badured
Johann Mougenot.

No armed group broke into the Graslin Theater tonight in #nantes. It was a threat. No spectators were confined or evacuated. The show proceeded normally with a security device adapted to this threat.

– Prefect of the Pays de la Loire and Loire-Atlantique (@ Prefet44) June 18, 2019

At 23 h, "the room is empty," said the prefecture. "There was a filtering of the police when the spectators (some 200 people) left the theater. Everything was normal. "

On the Place Graslin, the pbaders-by do not seem to have given more than that to the panic. In fact, restaurant activity continued, almost normally. "We have seen an important military device," says one of the breweries of the place. But the intervention was rather discreet and apparently very well managed. Apart from some customer concerns, the evening went normally for us. At 11 pm, the police apparatus lightened. A police truck is still parked and patrols are under way, report witnesses.

End[[[[#surgery]of #police at the Graslin Theater in #Nantes.
Checks by police officers #Raid following a threat.
Perimeter of #security survey.

– National Police 44 (@ PoliceNat44) June 18, 2019

The chief of staff explained that he was not surprised by "this message of malice intended to disrupt the show" because the Iranian artist "has already been the subject of messages of this type in the past in d 'other cities in France'.



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