Late dinner increases the risk of breast and prostate cancer


In a new study published in the International Journal of Cancer scientists found an badociation between late diners and the development of bad and prostate cancer. "Compared with people who slept immediately after supper, those who slept for two hours or more after supper had a 20% reduction in the risk of bad and prostate cancer," the study said. The risk of developing bad cancer decreased by 16% and that of developing prostate cancer by 26%.

Respect for Eating Habits

In addition, a similar protection was observed in the subjects having had dinner before 9 pm compared to those who had supped after 10 pm. The effect of lengthening the supper-sleep interval was more pronounced in the subjects who followed the recommendations in terms of cancer prevention (balanced diet, non-consumption of alcohol and tobacco, etc.). Respect for eating habits and a long interval between last meal and sleep are also badociated with a lower overall risk of cancer.

Medical records of 621 prostate cancer patients and 1,205 bad cancer patients were badyzed and compared to a healthy group of 1,321 women and 872 men . "The hypothesis we tested is supported by experimental evidence and emphasizes the importance of badessing circadian rhythms in studies of diet and cancer," the scientists said. For them, cancers are often badociated with the evolution of hormones, which themselves depend on circadian rhythms of the body.

Bowel movements stop from 22:30

"We know that the body makes Digestive enzymes that will react differently depending on what you eat and the time you eat. "The conclusions of the researchers are not surprising," says in Le Figaro Madame the dietician nutritionist Hélène Brunengo. Chrono-nutrition, a field explored since the 1950s, consists of eating according to the biological rhythms of your body. "We always avoid eating after 21 hours (except for night workers obviously) .The intestinal movements stop from 22:30 pm If we dine late and rich, we will feel digestive discomfort and body temperature will increase This will hurt sleep, "adds the professional.

According to another study, published last year, eating late in an 8-week period would increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems. "In fact, we digest sitting upright or standing and not lying or lying in a sofa.Walking after a meal (the famous digestive walk of Sunday meals or take out the dog) allows better gastric emptying", the complete doctor Reginald Allouche in . "So I recommend spending at least 3 hours between the end of dinner and bedtime," he says.

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