Leclerc: "I've been waiting for this day for a long time"


Charles, even if you've driven a Ferrari before, and even if a driver has to leave the emotions behind when he gets behind the wheel, did you feel anything special when you boarded the SF71H this morning, knowing that this will be your stable for 2019?

It was clear that it was a moving day because I had been waiting for this day for a long time, and I never thought it would come, but today it has come true and I am very happy. I am very happy with the work we did today, so it was very moving.

Report of the tests:

Of course, the purpose of these tests was mainly to understand the 2019 tires, but did you feel that you were already able to drive the car to the limit?

Of course, because as soon as I get into a race car, I immediately try to find the limit. But as you said, the goal of the day was to compare the 2019 tires with the ones we used this year. From my point of view, we have done a good job, and I am satisfied.

Apart from getting to know the 2019 tires, what were your goals today?

Get to know the team, even though I already knew most of them. But I was working with them for the first time since it was announced that I was going to run for Ferrari starting next year. It was important because all the stables have their own way of working. This day allowed me to see and understand how this team does things.

Of course, everyone wants to impress for their first day at work, so have you felt any extra motivation today?

I always want to be successful, no matter who I'm driving for, but today the priority was to understand the tires, rather than prove my performance. We focused on that, and I'm happy.

Charles Leclerc, Ferrari SF71H

Did you feel more comfortable driving knowing that your place is secure for next year, compared to the time you were testing with Ferrari and had to convince them to recruit you as a titular driver?

It is very special, as I said before, to get into the car knowing that it will be my team next year. It's very special, but when I drive a car, I always want to go as fast as possible and do the best job possible for the team. It has not changed at all.

How was the day? Did you do everything you wanted?

Yes. We carried out the program that was planned, so we are extremely satisfied. Everything we wanted to do is done.

What are you going to focus on in the next three months?

I must continue my personal development and focus on my weaknesses. I will try to learn from everyone in the team, and also from my teammate.

You were there yesterday when Sebastian Vettel was driving. Did you have time to discuss and work with him?

We know each other pretty well, because I was in the Ferrari Driver Academy, I was working on the simulator, so I saw it a few times. Yesterday we did not talk much, but it was interesting to watch him fly.

What is your goal for Melbourne?

The day was very long with a lot of data to badyze, so first of all, you have to badyze and understand all that. After, clearly, I have a lot to learn, so it will just be level as fast as possible.

Charles Leclerc, Ferrari

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