Life … when a child has a stroke | The Capital Group Media Group | News | The gallery


L The first weeks of the girl's life are going very well, but at five months, the parents realize that she does not grasp anything with her left hand. "We saw the pediatrician who referred us to a neurologist and told us that there was a problem with the brachial plexus or brain injury," says Morin.

Two months later, after neurological examinations, parents learn that their daughter has a stroke in the womb or at birth.

Parents had to wait three months before being supported by the IRDPQ (Quebec Rehabilitation Institute for Physical Deficiency) PAC program for follow-up with physiotherapist, occupational therapist.

"We were left to ourselves for three months. We have turned to the private sector, but they do not have the expertise for this kind of illness, since all the children who have had a stroke go into the CAP program. "

In Quebec, There is no gathering of parents who can ask questions. Thanks to Christian Darrosé, Stéphanie Morin was able to join a group, but she is in France. "I found myself with the diagnosis, but I did not have any support," she laments.

See also: 8000 km in Citroën 1923 across Canada to talk about stroke

Different disabilities

Depending on the severity of the stroke, the child may develop a physical handicap, intellectual retardation, epilepsy, a problem of language, cleanliness or behavior. However, the diagnosis of stroke will not always happen.

"A child who has a problem with behavior or aggression, but who has nothing else, it can be caused by a stroke. But we do not always do the MRI to confirm the cause. "

Ms. Morin's daughter suffered a physical disability as a result of the stroke. "It's mostly the left side that is affected, the hand and a little elbow, and the leg is a little modified," she says.

Isabelle is able to use her left hand, but she must learn to think about using it. "Thanks to occupational therapy, we have caught up with the mobility of the hand, it uses it more voluntarily, but there is still progress to be made."

At the level of her leg, the little girl must learn to relax his leg which tends to contract

Despite the illness of their daughter, the parents decided to have a second child who is in very good health.

Stroke in a child

In children, stroke can occur in three age groups:

– prenatally, or in the uterus;

– during the first 28 days of life, in the new

– during childhood, until the age of 18 years.

Children may have two types of stroke: hemorrhagic (blood vessel rupture) or ischemic (blood clot obstruction).

The reasons for stroke occur are varied and include malformations of the blood. blood vessels and some rare diseases.

The causes of hemorrhagic stroke in children include:

– a malformation or disease of the artery

– a brain tumor

– in rare cases, abuse The main risk factors badociated with ischemic stroke in children are as follows:

– Heart Disease

– Blood Clotting Disorders;

] – Irregularity of the arteries.

Children also have an increased risk of stroke if they have any of the following risk factors:

– Cardiac or cerebral surgery

– Sickle cell disease

– Illness autoimmune attacking the arteries of the brain

– cerebral or cervical trauma

– leukemia

Some pediatric stroke has an unknown cause

(Source: Heart and Stroke Foundation)

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