LIVE – Hallyday trial: David and Laura's lawyers are very suspicious!


11:26: Me Ravanas quickly reminds that "French justice is competent." When Johnny and Laeticia took the decision to adopt Jade and Joy, they chose to do it in front of French judges. This shows their attachment to this French system. "And he recalls the words of Laeticia in his interview at the Point:" She said that by marrying Johnny she had married France, the Eiffel Tower! "

11:20 am Carine Piccio for David Hallyday: "We do with what we have, that is to say: nothing at all. We need documents! To complete and refine our requests. "

11:10 am For Laura Smet, Me Ravanas responds that French justice was seized before the US court (February against July). And that the judge of interim relief is competent for urgency and conservatory measures, also mentioning the domiciliation Parisian record companies not Nanterre.

11:02: Arnaud Albou for Laeticia believes that David and Laura should have intervened in the California court to oppose this transfer of royalties. Not in front of the French judge. He asks, in the alternative, that the competent judge is that of Nanterre who has already been seized for inheritance.

10:42 am The hearing resumes. Again the judge does not grant the referral request. Laeticia's lawyers want to speak first. The latter plead exceptions of incompetence, French justice …

10h27: The journalists present on site evoke a "collector audience".

#johnny in fact no one really knows what it actually changes whether the trustee is appointed or not. Even Laeticia's lawyers. It's collector this audience ..

– Salome Legrand (@Salome_L) November 27, 2018

10h25: Me Amir-Aslani for Laeticia appeals to the "wisdom" of the president and asks for it to be sent back after January 2019. The lawyers of the elders are "even more suspicious".

10:21 AM Laeticia's lawyer again asks for a "short referral" to put himself in a state of law.

10h17: One of Laura's lawyers interrupts the president by saying that he has just been handed a piece, a letter from an American lawyer who says that the resignation of a trustee is of no consequence. But she is challenged.

10h16: The court refuses the dismissal!

10h10: After Laeticia's lawyer explained that: finding a new trustee is going to take "months" and that they need time to take the consequences of this resignation, the court retires to deliberate on the dismissal.

10:07 The lawyers of the Laura and David remind that this surprise resignation of the trustee does not put in question the hearing of January 22 which will be held in California. "If it is suspended", badure on their side the lawyers of Laeticia. "No, we checked yesterday" immediately retort those of David and Laura.

10:01 am: The three record companies agree to "continue their practice" which is not to pay royalties and royalties to anyone without the estate being settled. Laura and David's lawyers want Bank of America to also make a commitment not to do anything about these funds. The lawyer of the organization rebadures them. But everyone was taken aback by this resignation.

9:50 am ALERT – The Bank of America's lawyer announces that his client resigned six days ago as a trustee and therefore asks for a stay of proceedings pending the appointment of a new trustee …

Hearing in summary #Johnny Hallyday : First to speak, Bank of America's lawyer announces that his client resigned 6 days ago as a trustee and therefore asks for a stay of proceedings pending the appointment of a new trustee

– alexandra guillet (@alexguillet) November 27, 2018

#Johnny Hallyday thunderbolt: resignation of the trustee Bank of America. The Americans are asking the court to put the Americans out of the question. And ask for a reprieve.

– Lena Lutaud (@LenaLutaud) November 27, 2018

9h46: The hearing is open

#Johnny Hallyday the hearing is open. The lawyers of Sony Music and Universal Music arrive on the ground. Confusion in the rooms. They were waiting like us at the beginning on the 4th in front of 4.35.

– Lena Lutaud (@LenaLutaud) November 27, 2018

9:24: Laura Smet, Laeticia and David Hallyday's lawyers discuss before the start of the hearing …

The lawyers of Laura Smet, Laeticia and David Hallyday discuss before the start of the hearing on the application for the freezing of royalties of #Johnny

– Yann Bertrand (@YannBertrand) November 27, 2018

9:20 am Journalists show up in the courtroom

audience #Johnny Hallyday the first tvs arrive. Here the Nrj12 team. Tf1 is on Zone too.

– Lena Lutaud (@LenaLutaud) November 27, 2018

Update on the situation before the hearing begins:

It's today that Justice is studying Laura and David's request to freeze 75% of the singer's royalties. They correspond, as rightly indicates Point, to the part which should return to the four children of the rocker if the French law was applied to the succession, the rest being paid to the wife. An amount estimated at between 600,000 and 1 million euros.

The rocker's biological children are in the urgency of the action. They are afraid to see all this money fall into the safe of the widow, managed by the Bank of America.

You will be able to follow, on, the progress of the trial as well as the numerous events or reactions around this meeting crucial for the Hallyday clan totally torn.

According to relatives, quoted by Closer, the mother of Jade and Joy, 43 years old and proud to have single-handedly the promo of the last album of the Taulier which met a great success, would not be at all worried. "David and Laura will be asphyxiated before me"she would have confided to his entourage.

Justice will decide on the merits of the case in March 2019. It will be a question of determining whether California law can apply to Johnny's estate or not.

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