LIVE – The yellow jackets not convinced by Rugy, maintained appointment on the Champs-Elysées Saturday


"As it stands", no spokesmen for yellow vests at the Elysée

The government will not receive representatives of "yellow vests" "in the current state of discussions," said Benjamin Griveaux on Tuesday, noting that some protesters "contest their legitimacy." A "delegation" of eight "official communicators" of "yellow vests" was created to engage a "serious and necessary contact" with the authorities and bring a series of claims, they announced Monday. But their representativeness is debated within a heterogeneous movement born out of any political or union framework.

The government spokesman noted on Tuesday "already dissension, not between these spokesmen", but the fact that demonstrators "explain that they do not recognize the legitimacy to carry the word of the movement."

"We see here the difficulty to organize," he said. "Probably the right step to start is the territory because it is where are anchored yellow vests", has-it- he added about the debates planned in the territories, evoking the diversity of the problems encountered locally.

"Once they are organized and there will be no protest, I said yesterday that we are open to dialogue, and we will be," he added.

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