Love is in the meadow: Adrien would have been threatened by the production!


At the micro Purebreak, Adrien, candidate of Love is in the meadow in 2015, said he had received threats from the production

A few years ago, Adrien Vives was talked about for denouncing the editing of Love is in the meadow. Today, he still talks about it and makes revelations. Indeed, the young man, now dad and still in a relationship with Claire, recently granted an interview to Purebreak. He said he had received threats from the production for his revelations a few years ago.

Love is in the meadow: Adrien, threatened

Yes, you read correctly. Adrien was threatened by the production of Love is in the meadow. It's at the microphone of Purebreak that he badured that. He explains :

"Not only did the production contact me, but it threatened and insulted me on the phone. It was tense, they threatened me unequivocally that they would hire lawyers, start a procedure and it would cost me a lot. But they did not tell me anything in writing, it was only calls. "

Love is in the meadow: Adrien's revelations

But the former candidate of Love is in the meadow do not stop there in his revelations. Indeed, he talked about payments in Love is in the meadow. If some people think that it is production that pays for shopping or travel, they are wrong. Indeed, Adrien balance: "Production pays only for travel abroad. We lose holidays, we even pay the restaurant and the races. When Claire made the evening on the farm with all her friends, she had more than 1000 euros of shopping and had to pay out of pocket. "

Before adding: " The participants, we are really the turkeys of the farce. Already, we are at the whim of the farmer, we are considered stupid editing, and we are asked not to give an interview, not to express ourselves. "