Love is in the meadow: Vincent, Ricou, Emeric … are they in couple or not after the assessment?


M6 aired Monday, November 26 the second part of the balance sheet of season 13 of L'Amour is in the meadow. Are Raoul, Ricou, Patrice or Jean-Claude now in a relationship?

Raoul in a relationship with Laetitia

Raoul, the Reunionese farmer and Laetitia continued their love story. In love, the two lovebirds decided to settle together. Laetitia brought her dogs and her belongings back to the farmer. The young woman in her 30s just pbaded did not hide during the badessment of her desires for children. Raoul is more reserved about a paternity project. For the wedding, it's the same thing. Laetitia dreams of a beautiful white dress while Raoul no longer believes after a painful divorce.

Vincent and Pascale always cook for two

Besides, they do everything together. Always in love with each other, they can not hold back their tears when they evoke the incredible love that unites them. Pascale has therefore made a big decision: she will move to Vincent's home and work on the farm with him.

Guy is single

This is the big disappointment of this season. Very quickly Guy had dismissed his contenders Francine and Montserrat with whom he had quickly understood that there would not be more. The farmer admitted during the report regret regret not to have invited more pretenders during speed-dating. He had indeed invited him to Paris only Francine and Montserrat when he had received six letters. He keeps his heart open and to take …

Patrice and Sylvie come together but …

They arrived together but are not really anymore. While feelings began to germinate between the farmer and Sylvie, the suitant decided to end their relationship. The reason ? After the show ended, Patrice continued to hear from the other contenders and inquire about their health. A disturbing situation for Sylvie who still blames him during the balance his too kindness.

Emeric arrives without Lucie

If their story seemed to be well gone, Emeric and Lucie did not follow up after the end of the filming of L'amour est dans le pré. When she returned home, the young woman sent her a message to tell him that she doubted her feelings. Finally, the two did not respond. But since the badessment, the Breton has found love …

Ricou arrives alone without his Rosanna

Ricou had a real crush on Rosanna. Some time after leaving the farm, the Swiss woman finally contacted her again, telling her that she wanted to receive him at home. Rosanna suggested to Ricou that she come back home. From week to week, she pushed back to tell him she would not come back …

Jean-Claude came alone to the balance sheet

If he came alone to the balance sheet, Jean-Claude is no longer a heart to take. The farmer is still in a relationship with Chantal, who was going to see her family on the date of the shooting. They are always together and he is very in love. But she still has not decided to come home.

Samuel single

The farmer did not come to the balance sheet. He is no longer with Johanna and would still be single.

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