LREM deputies "ready" for the "major field consultation"


The boss of LREM deputies Gilles Le Gendre said Tuesday that his group was ready to respond "with enthusiasm" to the call for a "major field consultation" around the movement of "yellow vests", evoking an "evolution" in the way of governing the country.

"The President of the Republic was very clear in his speech on the fact that at the time of this crisis, we counted to inaugurate an evolution in the way in which we wish to govern this country", declared Mr. Le Gendre during a press point in the Assembly.

"Working, transforming France for the French, we have done and pretty good for 18 months.We must now even better transform France with the French and this crisis of ecological taxation, the price of fuel (… ) gives us the opportunity to question ourselves, "he commented.

For the boss of the LREM deputies, it is clear that from now on "the great changes and transformations of the country", should not be worn only "by the executive and the majority" but "be built, designed and especially deployed closer to the field in the framework of consultations ".

"All intermediaries that they are, the intermediate bodies can not have the monopoly of the representation of the citizens.The citizens, employees, consumers have the right to the speech", continued Gilles Le Gendre, estimating that one "of the positive inspirations "of the movement of" yellow vests "has been to have recalled the majority" to order on this point ".

"Obviously, the parliamentary group LREM catches this idea flying enthusiastically and will get on the right track in the coming days to respond to this call," said the president of the group LREM saying "well decided" with his group "to play a crucial role (…) in this new way of working with the French".

At his side, Roland Lescure, chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs, compared the new variable fuel tax announced by Emmanuel Macron to "escalator".

"The staircase is the rise in ecological taxation, with a point of arrival and a very clear pace, and we adapt the speed of this escalator will continue to rise to the evolution of oil prices" which will be "very volatile" in "the coming years," he said.

A little later, President LREM of the Social Affairs Committee Brigitte Bourguignon welcomed, in a statement, a speech by the President who "really takes the measure of the social malaise present in our country for several decades." On fuel taxes, she was pleased that he had "not closed the hypothesis of a moratorium", adding that "it will be up to parliament, especially the majority, to judge the opportunity. "

The chairman of the MoDem group Patrick Mignola has welcomed the "didactic, pragmatic and realistic" approach initiated by Emmanuel Macron, which opens a "new democratic sequence".

"It is now important that those who are demonstrating appoint representatives in the territories" and "we, parliamentarians, are destined to go" to meet them, with the intermediary bodies and transport stakeholders, to get into the concrete ", a- he added.

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