They are looking forward to meeting him. Professor Christian Perronne, head of the infectious diseases department of the Garches hospital comes this Monday evening in Chalon-sur-Saone to give a lecture on the subject. "We know he's listening, he always has good ideas and small solutions " smiled Valentine's mom.
Medical opinions that diverge
Valentine, she is 22 years old and she lives in Dijon. In 2016, she falls ill and undergoes a series of exams. She loses sight, then uses her legs and finds herself in a wheelchair. She does the Elisa serological test several times, which proves to be positive and follows an antibiotherapy which puts her back on her feet. "Doctors at the University Hospital of Dijon think that it is not Lyme disease, explains Valentine. They looked for multiple sclerosis, Guillain Barré syndrome, right now they wonder if it is not a spondylarthritis, except that I saw specialists in Dijon, Nancy, Montbéliard and Paris, and they think it's Lyme disease. It is very complicated to listen to the opinions of others, and not really know who is right and who is wrong. What I see is that antibiotics against Borrelia have been effective. "
I was told it was in my head
Dominique tells about the same story. This resident of Pouilly-en-Auxois fell ill in 2009 and was finally diagnosed in 2015. "But in the beginning, nobody believed me. I was told it was in my head that I was crazy. I had pain in my hands and wrists, but we could not see anything when I was on radios. It's really an obstacle course, fortunately I had a very close entourage and my husband could financially badume the disease, because I could not work anymore. "
Pain in the joints, intense fatigue, difficulty concentrating or loss of memory, most symptoms are not specific to Lyme disease. If we add the fact that the reliability of the serological tests is disputed and that the chronic form of the disease is debated even in doctors, the path for patients is often very long.
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