Lyon-City: Brazil's match – Foot – Champions League


While the Brazilian colony of Manchester City has grown considerably in recent years, OL has arguments to make in terms of auriverde talents spent by its workforce. Comparative before their duel in the Champions League, this Tuesday (21:00).

The duel between Lyon and Manchester City on Tuesday in the Champions League (9 pm) will pit two teams marked by the pbadage of Brazilians in their ranks. In its history, OL has hosted 16 Brazilian players, the most represented nationality regarding its foreign players. The first was Marcelo Djian, from 1993 to 1997.

At OL, successes at each line

OL's Brazilian team does not have a goalkeeper, and is strongly influenced by the club's great period in the 2000s. The big central defenders have succeeded one another, which is why we opted for a reinforced defense. with Crees (2004-2012), Edmilson (2000-2004) and Caçapa (2000-2007). Rafael, recruited in 2015, is the only player in the …

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