Macron: the discourse of the change of method


To build the energy model of the future, to reform the presidential method without waiting. Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday linked these two ambitions, setting the energy "cap" of the next two decades. But the head of state, often criticized for the "verticality" of his method, has returned to field discussions a good part of the measures to come. In front of 150 guests, including regional presidents and representatives of the main unions, the President presented to the Elysee the outline of the "multi-year energy program", which will determine the national choices in this area until 2028 A long-awaited intervention, which he acknowledged "The particular echo" that gives him the movement of "yellow vests", entered in its second week of mobilization and whose "act 3" is announced for Saturday.

The share of nuclear power in electricity production will be reduced to 50% in 2035, against 70% today. By then, promised the head of state, 14 nuclear reactors will have been closed on the 58 of the French park. Including the two units of the old Alsatian Fessenheim (Haut-Rhin), whose decommissioning will take place, from 2020. Seeing a model "completely decarbonated" in the middle of the century, Macron wants to see triple here 2030 the production of the onshore wind farm and five times that of photovoltaic. Now, future fuel tax increases, he has committed to "adapt" at world oil prices.

Read also Nuclear: Macron announces reactor shutdowns without rushing EDF

The head of state has attached these announcements an insistent indictment against the shortcomings of his predecessors, accomplices of "Forty years of small decisions and adjustments". But also against the method followed so far by his own government. "We have not managed, in our methods, to include all the territories, the whole population. The answers we bring are too abstract, too far from the field, too far from people, judged the speaker. Paraphrasing Nicolas Hulot, he stressed the gap between decision makers who fear the "end of the world", and French people worried about "the end of the month".


"People say their suffering, we answer them" energy check ", continued the head of state. But the energy check, people do not know what it is. And me neither !" This curious scream of the heart may have surprised some ministers who have been asked so far to make known this aid intended for modest households. The increase in the number of its beneficiaries, announced in mid-November by Edouard Philippe, was presented as a very significant gesture towards the discontented French.

This mea culpa did not soften the oppositions, unanimous to denounce the presidential speech. Left and right criticized a Macron "mute" on the question of purchasing power. "We had to suspend first [la hausse des taxes sur les carburants] to build next, " judge the president (UDI) of the Normandy region, Hervé Morin. More enthusiasm among environmental groups: WWF Director General Pascal Canfin said "Dubious" judging to have heard "Everything and its opposite" in the Elysian speech. While the Foundation for Nature and Humankind, founded by Hulot, denounced a "Art of emptiness" leaving "More questions than answers". Demanding representative of Macronian ecologists, LREM MP Matthieu Orphelin said to himself "Inevitably disappointed" the lack of short-term measures on energy renovation.

Few have been grateful to the Head of State for having also committed himself to "New method", supposed to make room for intermediate bodies. Sometimes jostled by an impatient macronism, they are now invited to "co-build" a "Solutions agenda" environmental and social issues. Framework for these debates: "Local consultations" organized in the regions, badociating local elected officials, badociations, social partners, and even representatives of yellow vests. It is up to Edouard Philippe to define the modalities this week: the Prime Minister got down on Tuesday, immediately after the presidential speech.

Centralism trial

"I believe that solutions will come from below," summed up Emmanuel Macron, whose method has not always, since May 2017, reflected this participative spirit. A persistent process of centralism and technocracy is aimed at the executive, who is usually less concerned with palaver than with "efficiency." It is true that the exercise proposed by the Head of State could represent for his critics, if not a trap, at least a formidable challenge. Not just for the yellow vests, barely appeared and already called to the negotiating table. But also for the regions (mostly led by the right), trade unions, employers and badociations: all asked to trade the opposition for the development of concrete solutions … and financed. A success would also be credited to the head of state and his inventive method. While a failure could spill over critics of all sides, in turn faced with ecological squaring.

Dominique Albertini

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