Margaret Atwood announces the release of a sequel to "The Scarlet Maid" in 2019


The book will be titled "Les Testaments" and the action will take place fifteen years after the first volume.

The successful novel The Scarlet Maid will have a sequel in September 2019, announced its author, the Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood, Wednesday, November 28, on Twitter. The book will be titled Wills and the action will take place fifteen years after the story of the first volume.

Yes indeed to those who asked: I'm writing to myself #HandmaidsTale. #TheTestaments is set 15 years after the end of the day and is narrated by three female characters. It will be published in Sept 2019. More details:

– Margaret E. Atwood (@MargaretAtwood) November 28, 2018

The Scarlet Maid is a dystopian novel released in 1985, which has seen its impact increased tenfold by its adaptation to television, in the form of a series whose broadcast began in April 2017 on the American platform Hulu.

The plot takes place in the very near future, when the United States was overthrown by a religious dictatorship, the Republic of Gilead, at a time when, for unclear environmental reasons, humans have seen their fertility collapse. The few women still able to procreate, such as the heroine Offred, have been turned into bad slaves in the service of Gilead's leaders, who rape them during monthly religious ceremonies.

Very quickly, this apocalyptic account relegating the female population to an object became the anti-Trump's one as a parable of the American conservative drift and the badual badaults suffered by women.

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