Marie Maurice, co-author of the "Cash Investigation" survey on medical implants, answered your questions


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2:04 p.m. : It's time to close this cat with Marie Maurice. The co-author of the "Cash Investigation" investigation would like to thank you for your many questions.

1:59 p.m. : "As we say at the beginning of the film, there are women who are extremely supportive of their badl prosthesis, so if that's your case, do not worry."

2:00 p.m. : Hello, I had a badl prosthesis eight years ago and the implant concerned is PARIETEX 2, do you have any information on this implant? Thank you in advance.

1:56 p.m. : "No, not all implants are concerned, there are implants that work extremely well and improve people's lives.If you have a health problem and you think it is related to implant you're wearing, you can go to your doctor, who will answer your questions. "

1:57 p.m. Should all implanted persons go to their doctor?

1:51 p.m. : "During our investigation, we noticed that many doctors did not know in detail the principle of the CE marking system, nor did they have access to the ANSM database where all the incidents are listed. on medical devices, so there is also, sometimes, a lack of information from health professionals. "

1:53 p.m. : Have general practitioners been briefed or received notes on these "flaws"? Can we trust them or should we contact their surgeon / gynecologist?

1:45 p.m. : "I'm sorry to hear what you've gone through, and if you're worried about the model that's been implanted, I suggest you talk to your doctor quickly and ask him any questions you want. its role and its duty to answer you precisely.In addition, you are undoubtedly extremely followed as part of your bad reconstruction.The most important thing is to respect this follow-up. "

1:46 p.m. : Hello. First of all, thank you. Thank you for this investigative work. It's huge and brave. I also "benefited" from bad implant placement after bad cancer in 2015. According to the map (very succinct) issued by the hospital after this surgery, except for the brand "Allergan" and a lot of numbers filled, how to know if this prosthesis is part of those "at risk"?

1:40 p.m. : "We had several questions about cataract, we did not investigate these implants in particular, unfortunately, could not provide you with a satisfactory answer."

1:40 p.m. :. Hello, thank you all for your work. My question: do you know if implants placed during cataract surgery are also concerned?

1:38 p.m. : "We are not specialists in medical law, but in France, there are several bodies to which you can turn as the Council of the Order or the Oniam (National Office for compensation of medical accidents). medical device manufacturers, the Secu has the ability to turn against our knowledge, it has not done so. "

1:32 p.m. : "We have not specifically investigated it, but many of our colleagues in the French media have published articles on this topic in recent months."

Le Figaro, for example, published an article on Mirena IUDs in November 2017.

1:33 p.m. : Does the problem also concern the contraceptive sterilets (copper or hormonal), whose installation is done by a gynecologist without surgery?

1:29 p.m. : "What we wanted to demonstrate was that there was no other necessary authorization than the CE mark that our Dutch television colleague investigated to put an implant on the market. we submitted a completely bogus dossier to the ANSM, in which we claimed to have our CE mark, and the ANSM gave us the green light.Conclusion: CE marking, issued by private bodies to private companies in the framework of 'a commercial relationship, is the only certification necessary to put an implant on the French market.'

1:28 p.m. : Hello, I do not understand: "Cash Investigation" was given the green light of the ANSM to put a phony implant on the market. But did you have a CE mark?

1:24 p.m. : "In the context of the international investigation, the first reactions begin to fall." In the United States, the FDA [l’équivalent américain de l’ANSM] has announced that it will partially revise its system of placing implants on the market. In Spain, the Ministry of Health announced a large public consultation with health professionals and patients. In Germany, the Minister of Health now wants the establishment of a registry for implant holders. In France, on the other hand, we wait to see if new announcements will be made, apart from those already made a few days before the revelations of 'Implant Files'. "

1:24 p.m. : First of all, thank you for your inquiries. I wonder what impact these revelations will have on the placing on the market of future implants and those already approved CE. When we see the absence of reactions after the various cases, I hope that this will not be the case this time.

1:20 p.m. : "It is impossible to know that there is not yet, in France or anywhere else in the world, a comprehensive register of implant carriers that would specify which type of implant, which exact model patients carry, or which what complication (s) they are victims of. "

1:18 p.m. : How many victims are concerned?

1:17 p.m. : "There is a European reform underway which should strengthen the requirements for placing the highest risk clbad implants on the market, but the creation of a prior marketing authorization requirement, given by an independent authority, has not been retained, so we remain on a system where CE markings will be the only necessary authorization and will remain markings issued by notified bodies and not public authorities. "

1:15 p.m. : I heard that the law would change within a year, to better monitor the placing on the market of implants. Concretely, what will change? Will it solve the problem?

1:09 p.m. : "All implants come under the same marketing regime, ie the CE marking, so it can be said that all implants are possibly concerned by possible weaknesses in the tests and the rigor of the tests that may have been carried out before the marketing."

Find here the main revelations of the investigation of "Cash investigation".

1:08 p.m. : Does the problem concern all implants, or only some? How to know who is involved?

1:05 p.m. : The journalist Marie Maurice, co-author of the investigation of "Cash Investigation", is ready to answer your questions after the revelations of the "Implant Files". Do not hesitate to ask more questions.

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