Marine Le Pen believes that a dissolution of the Assembly is "the only solution"


"Besides putting the proportional and recreating legislative elections (…), I do not see how we can resolve the situation," said the boss of the National Gathering.

The President of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, estimated Wednesday, November 28, a dissolution of the National Assembly was "the only solution" to get out of the crisis of "yellow vests". "It's not that I ask it, it's that I think it's the only solution"she said on CNews.

Marine Le Pen: "I see no other solution" that the dissolution of the National Assembly

– CNEWS (@CNEWS) November 28, 2018

"Four or five days ago, I thought that the government could, by appropriate behavior, resolve the situation, she developed. Today, apart from putting the proportional and recreating legislative elections, so that we discuss again the choices of society of the French and the problems that are theirs daily, I do not see how we can resolve the situation.

Marine Le Pen retried "a little beside the subject" the proposal of the President of Republicans, Laurent Wauquiez, to organize a referendum on the ecological tax policy of Emmanuel Macron.

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