Marine le Pen claims that dissolution is the "only solution" to exit the crisis


Marine Le Pen at the National Assembly, November 13, 2018. – Jacques Witt / SIPA

"It's not that I ask it, it's that I think it's the only solution," says Marine Le Pen. The President of the National Rally (RN, former FN), said Wednesday that a dissolution of the National Assembly was needed to get out of the crisis of "yellow vests".

"Four or five days ago, I thought that the government could, by appropriate behavior, resolve the situation. Today, apart from putting the proportional and recreating legislative elections, so that we discuss again the choices of society of the French and the problems that are theirs daily, I do not see how we can resolve the situation, "explained the member for Pas-de-Calais on Cnews.

"The government has decided not to hear the cry of anger"

"It's a choice, an economic model, a choice of society, these are priorities that are now questioned by the French, and I do not see (solution) other than in the legislative elections "Insisted Marine Le Pen. It is still necessary "that the elections take place with people who will represent the French", added the president of the RN, who pleads historically for the introduction of the proportional.

Another institutional track suggested Tuesday by the President of the Republicans (LR) Laurent Wauquiez: a referendum on the ecological tax policy of the president. But "I think we are a little off the topic," said Marine Le Pen. "The government has decided not to hear the cry of anger and desperation expressed today by the French people almost as a whole," she said, questioned on the announcements made Tuesday by Emmanuel Macron, who have not convinced the French according to several polls.

According to Marine Le Pen, this end of the executive's lack of respect is perceived by the "yellow vests" as "the ultimate contempt after months and months of scorn, arrogance, morgue". "It's incomprehensible to see that this government has no empathy".

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