Marion Maréchal demonstrated Saturday at the Champs-Elysées


The former RN, Marion Maréchal, who launched a school of political science in Lyon and refuses to return to politics, went to protest alongside the "yellow vests" Saturday on the Champs-Elysées, reported on Monday Le Figaro. The niece of the President of the National Assembly (RN, ex FN), who launched a school of political science in Lyon, explains to the Figaro that she "could not prevent herself" from going to protest. "It had been a week since it was going up."

"A little yellow vest more"

"I thought it would be another little yellow jacket, but when I arrived on the Champs-Elysees, the real 'yellow vests' were long gone, and the movement was totally phagocyted by far-left militants. We heard: 'To death capitalism!' If this is the ultra-right, it has changed, "says the former elected.

The mobilization of "yellow vests" Saturday in France was lower than that of November 17 but marked in Paris by violence on the most famous avenue of the capital. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner attributed the violence to "seditious" extreme right who "responded to the call including Marine Le Pen".

Marion Maréchal wants a "big conservative movement"

Marion Maréchal accused Monday on Twitter the government of "dirty the mobilization of thousands of yellow vests throughout France with a handful of thugs … far-left!". "A real manipulation, I am ashamed, shame of our leaders," she added in response to a tweet from Emmanuel Macron who had expressed Saturday his "shame" to the violence in Paris. The former elected of Vaucluse had accused Saturday Christophe Castaner to have "repressed[é] violently the yellow vests ".

Before the mobilization of November 17, the former elected, who still has his card at the RN, had said "share (r) the general nervousness" against the rise in fuel prices and pleaded for "a great conservative movement", in baduring that "never" she would run against her aunt Marine Le Pen. The movement of "yellow vests" is supported on the right by the parties The Republicans, the RN and Debout France.

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