Measles alert in Seine-Saint-Denis


Beware of measles! The increase in cases in Seine-Saint-Denis since the beginning of September has led some authorities to recall the good behavior to take, both in terms of vaccination and precautions.

As of 23 October, 33 cases were identified and 9 people had to be punctually hospitalized, says the Regional Health Agency (ARS) in Ile-de-France. However, it is rebaduring: no complicated complicated forms of measles have been reported.

The origin and the reasons are unknown. "We know that it spreads as families and students move around … This is not related to the population of the department," explains Dr. Christiane Bruel, Medical Advisor for Health Surveillance and Surveillance at ARS. The 2011 epidemic had, for example, started in Yvelines.

One certainty however, this viral disease is most contagious. A patient can infect 15 to 20 people. Fever and pimples follow, within 14 days. The patient is contagious 5 days before the eruption and 5 days after. Infants under one year of age and over 20 years are the most exposed to respiratory and neurological complications, which require hospitalization in intensive care.

"People have to get vaccinated! It is the only effective individual and collective protection against measles, but vaccination coverage is insufficient in France and the Île-de-France, "says Dr. Bruel. And two doses are needed for a good vaccination.

The World Health Organization estimates that a 95% coverage rate is needed for good protection. This rate is 80% for the whole country.

Note that in Seine-Saint-Denis, the rate above the national average since it is 85%. "This is due to the network of PMI and health screening centers (CDPS), more than 110 locations in the department," says one departmental council. The Department provides vaccines to cities through public immunization sessions.

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