Measles: Death of a 17-year-old girl in Bordeaux


A third victim succumbed to measles. A 17-year-old woman died in Bordeaux after a 26-year-old man and a 32-year-old mother.

In Bordeaux, a 17-year-old woman died at the University Hospital of Bordeaux "following neurological complications" related to measles, announced Friday, July 6 the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of New Aquitaine in

This is the third death from this contagious disease in France in 2018. In June 2018, a 26-year-old man died there, also in New Aquitaine and a mother family of 32 last February in Poitiers. She had not been vaccinated and had contracted the disease by bringing her father to hospital.

"90% of cases were not or insufficiently vaccinated"

In New Aquitaine, "since November 6 In 2017, 1,096 cases of measles were confirmed (2,567 in France in total), 1 in 4 cases required hospitalization, 12 patients were transferred to intensive care and 2 died (3 in France). cases were not or insufficiently vaccinated (2 doses needed) ", reads the statement of the ARS.

The ARS recalls that measles is not a mild disease and can" cause complications respiratory (pneumopathies) and neurological (meningoencephalitis) ". In addition, the disease is highly contagious, an infected person can contaminate it 20. If drugs can be administered to relieve symptoms, there is no treatment.

The Agency stresses the importance of vaccination "which has proved effective in limiting its spread and avoiding serious consequences". It calls on the population to check their vaccination status, the only way to protect themselves and avoid contaminating the most vulnerable such as children under one year of age or immunocompromised people who, they, can not benefit from vaccination. 19659003] See also:

The vaccine remains the only protection against the measles epidemic

Measles epidemic: free vaccine for the students of Bordeaux

The measles epidemic extends

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