Meeting with Rugy: disappointed, Yellow Vests call to protest Saturday


It was only a first date. Following their meeting with the Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition François de Rugy, Eric Drouet and Priscillia Ludosky, two of the eight spokespersons for the Yellow Vest movement, said they would like to continue the discussion "at a more top of the executive, namely "a spokesman or prime minister".

"We want all regions to work to find correspondents," said Priscillia Ludovsky. "The appointment (Tuesday night, Editor's note) was made in a hurry to avoid recovery by a party or a union," said Eric Drouet.

François de Rugy, at the end of the meeting, said he was "available" in the coming weeks to organize more meetings in the region and said that the Yellow Vests proposals went "beyond" questions about the transition ecological. "Standard of living, purchasing power, tax level, democracy, these are the subjects that have come back," he said.

"We are ready to organize debates in all the departments where Yellow Vests could come to express themselves. There is a very strong need to be heard, to be able to express oneself on the policy currently or in the past, "commented François de Rugy.

For its part, the duo explains having evoked the construction of a "citizen badembly", the "elimination of the carbon tax and many things that affect the purchasing power".

A new event on the Champs-Elysées Saturday

Representatives of the Yellow Vests still found that there was "no real desire to improve the lot of people" in the speech of the executive, which remained "very vague", especially after the announcements made by Emmanuel Macron Tuesday.

Eric Drouet also confirmed the return of the Yellow Vests on the Champs-Elysées Saturday 1st December, "like last Saturday". Asked about the violence that erupted the avenue last Saturday, the Yellow Vest pointed to "the firmness of the Minister of the Interior" which "created these excesses": "it is the fact of being charged by tear gas and CRS that created this tension in the yellow vests, "he commented.

The driver of road Seine-et-Marne is at the origin of the call launched on Facebook for a day of blocking on November 17, to protest against the rise in the price of fuels. This first big day of mobilization had gathered at least 282 000 people on the roads of France.

Priscillia Ludosky, also from Seine-et-Marne, has launched a petition "for lowering the price of fuel at the pump", which counted Tuesday nearly 984,000 signatories.

A representative debate

Their representativity is debated within this heterogeneous movement, born on social networks outside any political or union framework, some claiming that they have "self-proclaimed".

They do not claim to be "representatives" of the movement, but as "official communicators" and "spokespersons" of claims stemming from a consultation on Facebook with more than 35,000 "yellow vests".

READ ALSO>Yellow vests have eight spokespeople

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