Meghan Markle and Prince Harry move: some backstage tensions have precipitated things


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle want to move quickly from their home in Kensington Palace. The reason ? Tensions have pre-charted things …

Meghan Markle and the prince Harry want a life away from Kensington Palace. Six months after their wedding at Windsor Castle, the Duke and Duchess of Susbad plan to start a new life in Frogmore, Berkshire County near London. A life far from royalty, as they wish for the education of their child. Because the couple wants to preserve their marriage and prevent the royal baby from growing up in a "goldfish bowl", reports the Daily Mail, understand this life of royalty led by the prince William and Kate Middleton.

In addition, prince Harry is only sixth in the order of succession to the throne, and is more free in his choices. Finally, it is whispering that behind the scenes, tensions are getting stronger. What would precipitate their departure, while Meghan Markle is pregnant with her first child.

"Everyone is happy for Meghan and Harry"

But not enough to disturb the agreement between Meghan and Harry and the couple formed by the prince William and Kate Middleton, who currently live close to each other. "Kate and imperturbable", says a source. "People are really happy to see them happy." And as the saying goes prince Harry : "What Meghan wants, she gets it."

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge raise their three children George, Charlotte and Louis in apartments in Kensington Gardens. If the property is well guarded, it is partially open to visitors and the sons and their granddaughter are regularly photographed without their knowledge on the way to school. Meghan Markle and the prince Harry plan to leave Kensington Palace by 2019, preferably before the birth of their baby.

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