Mélenchon's authoritarianism emptying insubordinate France


INQUIRY – More than a month after the judicial searches carried out against his movement of the Rogue and eight days of a national convention, the deputy of Bouches-du-Rhone faces a new internal crisis. More and more of them are questioning her autocratic management, but also the role of her relatives, including the controversial Sophia Chikirou.

A single nucleus now runs the insubordinate France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Sophia Chikirou, the infernal duo, with Manuel Bompard and Martine Billard, two faithful performers responsible for internal concreting and electoral work. In recent months, the leading group of the Rogue has shrunk to isolation. The dysfunction has crystallized since the judicial searches carried out within the movement on October 16th. It now appears in broad daylight, according to the difficulties encountered in the constitution of the European list. The last few weeks have been marked by voluntary departures or exclusions. The situations are varied, but all the participants denounce a failing organization.

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While the movement meets in national convention in Bordeaux in eight days, the critical point will be reached? "It has already been pbaded," threatens a movement personality. "The question …

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