Mental health emergency: a tough action plan?


In 2015, there were 8,948 deaths by suicide in metropolitan France, or 25 per day (as against 9 for road accidents), the suicide mortality rate related to mental health problems and psychiatric disorders exceeding by 17% the European average. In particular, the recrudescence of psychic disorders. Schizophrenia, bipolarity, toc, severe depression … WHO estimates that one in four people will be affected in their lifetime in Europe. Victims of isolation, loss of ability to undertake, to live independently, to keep a job, people with severe and persistent disorders are often stigmatized. Faced with this state of emergency, the government is mobilizing and publishing a new roadmap for mental health.

37 actions

On the occasion of 1 er Strategic Committee of Mental Health and Psychiatry (CSSMP), June 28, 2018, that Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Health, accompanied by Sophie Cluzel, Secretary of State for Disability, returned a copy, result of work initiated since January . She promised to bring this committee together once a year. It aims to "promote a psychiatry that is no longer the poor relation of medicine" but also to "carry a positive vision of mental health, essential determinant of health" . Around three major axes, 37 actions will be implemented in the coming months.

Axis 1: promoting mental well-being

The first concerns the promotion of mental well-being, with the aim of to prevent and identify early the suffering and risk of suicide and increase the chances of recovery in case of disorders. It is estimated that 80% of them declare themselves between 15 and 20 years old. It is around this population that the government wants to act by encouraging the development of psychosocial skills (management of emotions, stress, conflicts …) from an early age, in connection with the National Education and training first aid students in mental health. The government is also implementing the experiment "Ecout'Emoi" in three regions, which allows to direct the 11/25 years to consultations of psychologists supported by health insurance, after an badessment by general practitioners . At the same time, an overall plan against the risk of suicide will be deployed throughout the country, under the guidance of the Regional Health Agencies, in particular the VigilanS system which proposes to systematically recontact those who have made a suicide attempt. Actions to prevent suffering at work will also be put in place, particularly for health and medico-social professionals. Finally, the government intends to fight against the stigmatization conveyed by the media, doctors and the general public

Axis 2: to train doctors

The second line of intervention is to guarantee coordinated care pathways and supported by an offer in accessible, diversified and quality psychiatry. The primary goal is to structure the course of mental health in order to facilitate the identification of disorders as soon as possible, via the Territorial projects of mental health (PTSM) . It is also an opportunity to develop ambulatory care. To better regulate care pathways, physicians will be more trained and more numerous, and research in psychiatry, especially for children, will be supported. Finally, the use of telemedicine will also be encouraged for vulnerable populations and in underdeveloped areas.

Axis 3: social inclusion

The last of these three focuses on improving living conditions and improving living conditions. social inclusion and citizenship of people with psychic disabilities. This pan is essentially the improvement of inclusion devices, support in employment and access to housing to allow people with mental disorders to live in the middle of all. To this end, they will benefit, in addition to extending the "One Home First" system, to access to the inclusive housing system provided for in the ELAN bill on housing.

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"All rights of reproduction and representation reserved. © This article was written by Margot Blachon, journalist"

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