Michel Cymes answers all your questions


Last week, we reminded you of the benefits of being vaccinated against the flu, especially for people over 65. Today, we answer all your questions about this disease.

There is no treatment for influenza. The medications support the symptoms of the disease, such as sore throat, fever, body aches.

If you were vaccinated last year, you are no longer protected. You must be vaccinated again. The effectiveness of the vaccine does not exceed one year, and may even be limited to six months. The virus is not the same from one year to another, it mutates, which forces us to design a new vaccine, which is adapted.

If you do not give the injection as soon as you buy the vaccine, it must be stored in the refrigerator and not in the freezer. It is between 2 and 8 degrees that the vaccine retains its effectiveness. It must also be protected from light.

The minimum age to be vaccinated is 6 months. For children under 9, if they are vaccinated for the first time, they must call back one month after the first shot.

The best way to escape the flu, besides the vaccine, remains to wash one's hands regularly with soap or hydroalcoholic gel, right up to the wrists. It is also necessary use disposable tissues, that we really throw from the first use. It is advisable to avoid shaking hands all the way. And to open the doorsthe elbows or shoulder should be used rather than putting your bare hands on the handle.

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