mobilization to help a septuagenarian expelled and forced to live in his car


One hundred thousand Internet users who claim "a home for Mary". A petition asking for help for a septuagenarian, expelled at the end of September from her apartment in Puteaux, in the Hauts-de-Seine, has already mobilized tens of thousands of Internet users.

Since her expulsion, 71-year-old Marie has been camping in front of the town hall. She had however anticipated the sale of the apartment she rented, announced in 2014, making a request for social housing, which her 1300 euros pension entitle her. Marie was even recognized as a priority by the Opposite Housing Rights Commission (Dalo) in October 2017.

Yet although she is crouching in front of City Hall night and day, she has so far failed to find a new home. In September, the municipal office HLM has offered accommodation in Villeneuve-la-Garenne, about fifteen kilometers from Puteaux. But Marie does not want to leave the city where she has lived for more than thirty years, where she has her doctor and friends, as she confided at the beginning of the month to Parisian.

A solution "in the coming days"

As winter approaches, anxiety grows for the retiree. A week ago, the authors of the petition to help him said that the mayor of Puteaux "promised to act to find housing housing HLM".

Questioned by the Figaro Tuesday, the director of the Public Housing Office (OPH) Puteaux regrets that Marie has refused their proposal in Villeneuve-la-Garenne. But is rebaduring. "Theoretically, I know that the prefecture plans to place it on a very next housing allocation commission, probably in the coming days," he says.

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