More beautiful life: what awaits you in episode 3679 of Thursday, November 29, 2018 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV


In the next episode of "Most beautiful life" … Theo takes his courage in both hands and decides to confront Coralie. Patrick and Babeth finally reconcile. Sacha and Luna embark on a spinning.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Plus Belle la vie broadcast tomorrow night on France 3!

Sacha put on the trail of a traffic of works of art

Sacha and Luna embark on the trail of the flight of painting that Paul Simonian gave to the journalist. While Luna finds the prospect exciting, Sacha has more difficulty in understanding the intentions of the businessman in wanting to offer him a scoop. They are caught red-handed in the process of carrying out their transaction. Luna decides to take them spinning, and sneak into the home of the buyer to get more information. Sasha refuses to embark on such a dangerous situation, but Luna is determined. While making a diversion with the man in question, Sacha enters the house and discovers a room full of stolen paintings and sculptures, including a Chagall …

The masks fall for Theo and Coralie

Theo accepts the appointment proposed by Coralie the same evening. The young woman is more and more troubled at the prospect of meeting the mysterious author of the messages with whom she has been talking for several days … The young man is terrified of revealing the truth to his mother-in-law. Tom, who does not know the identity of the woman Theo is in love with, drives him to go to the rendezvous. How could she not fall under her spell? Behind his unwavering support, Tom himself does not seem indifferent to his friend and hides the depths of his thought … Antoine notes that his friend has ulterior feelings for his brother, even if he says he "not especially" to consider oneself as homobadual. Antoine encourages him to confide in him. But he must not make ideas: Theo is 100% straight. It is better that he move on to something else. In the evening, as Coralie prepares to join "Orphée", she falls on Clement, who left his work earlier to spend the evening with her. She invents a false pretext and disappears. Arthur, back from school, notices that Theo is also absent at night … On the beach, Theo joins Coralie, and confesses everything. He is crazy in love with her. For him, it's a real relief. Coralie is upset by this revelation: she expected everything except that. In shock, she slaps Theo to keep quiet.

The Nebouts finally reunited?

Babeth and Patrick finish to reconcile on the pillow. But while they walk hand in hand, they cross Anne on the terrace of the Mistral. The latter, devastated, just found a video on Stan's laptop addressed to him, and who promised to offer him Patrick. On the side of Nebout, Jocelyn is back home, but his crises continue and upset Yolande. He ends up not recognizing his own reflection … Léa promises her grandmother that she is not alone in this event, and offers to contact the badociation France Alzheimer to meet families who cross the border. same as them. While the whole family rejoices in the reunion of Patrick and Babeth, Jocelyn finds the keys of Stan's house in his pocket. Unable to remember how he got them, he leaves them on the kitchen counter. At the police station, Boher and Eric note that Commissioner Olivieri has put all the constraints of evenings and weekends on Patrick's schedule. A declaration of war …

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