More expensive drugs in 2019? We explain why


It is possible that as of January 2019, the price of certain drugs will increase. And this is explained by an amendment to the Pharmaceutical Convention signed on July 20, 2017 which will come into force in 2019, and only in part. The latter concerns the remuneration of pharmacists, and more particularly the "dispensing fees". This is a financial compensation that pharmacists have been receiving since 2015 following the forced drop in the price of reimbursable drugs.

It amounts to 1.02 euro for each box of medicine sold, and was hitherto supported by two-thirds by the Health Insurance and for the rest by complementary health. However, it may be, for some drugs, the responsibility of the patient from next year.

A last step in 2020

It will therefore be necessary to check whether the Health Insurance provides for the reimbursement of drugs of 15% or 30%. In the opposite case, the complementary health will not participate in the fees of the pharmacist. In addition, these fees paid by the patient can only be reimbursed if the latter makes the request to the Social Security.

The final stage of the reform will be effective in 2020 and will leave an even greater share to the insured. It may be cheaper to pay for your own medication, rather than claiming it back. In this case, pharmacists would not receive their fees.

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