More than 60% of children witnessing their parents' risky driving behavior


On the occasion of a new prevention campaign on the dangers of the road, the badociation Attitude Prevention gave the floor to the children and their parents to know if the first ones are aware of the behaviors at risk of the second ones by car. It turns out that they are still too many despite an improvement.

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In this departure period on vacation parents would do well to be even more cautious on the road. The Association Attitude Prévention reveals the lessons of its study conducted on their driving behavior in the presence of their children. They are 64% to estimate that their parents have already had risky behaviors ( phone driving speeding …). In detail, 54% of children have already seen their parents use their phone while driving, 50% exceed authorized speeds and 10% of children have not always had their belt attached. Sign of their awareness on the subject: 27% of children have already reported to their parents risky behavior.

A proportion confirmed by parents who are 30% to recognize having been taken back by their children on a dangerous attitude behind the wheel. But paradoxically, the children declare to have been made very aware of the good behavior: 99% of the parents told them to tie their belt 97% not to detach it during the trip and not to open the door when the car is driving. "Our children watch us and reproduce our attitudes, good and bad. This observation forces us to be exemplary on the road to transmit to them at an early age the right attitude, "said Eric Lemaire, president of the road commission badociation Attitude Prevention.

Half surveyed reveal exceeding authorized speeds

On the parents' side, even though 53% of them say they are more vigilant behind the wheel in their presence, 87% nevertheless declare having already had risky behavior with their children on board. A figure certainly high but these bad habits recognized are down significantly compared to 2017: get carried away against other users for 57% (- 6 points), exceed the speeds allowed for 54% (- 7 points), lead in being tired for 52% (- 7 points) or driving more than 2 hours without a break for 47% (- 6 points). Generally, they justify them by the desire to gain time or the fact of underestimating the effects of fatigue and alcohol on their conduct.

Finally, questioned about their anticipation of journeys for the holidays parents are nonetheless provident. For example, 93% of them say that their children are well attached, 90% check the condition of the vehicle before leaving and 89% plan breaks on the way. Still, Attitude Prevention considers it essential to recall the good rules of conduct, with an awareness campaign that staged children's conversations, in the playground or on a playground. Several spots on radio and television will be broadcast. all summer to warn about the most common dangers : phone driving, speeding or unsuitable, forgetfulness of the belt and drowsiness.

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