more than a million signatories for petition against rising fuel prices


The petition has been a great success since it was relayed on social networks. This is the second most signed petition since the opening of the platform in France in 2012.

At 9:45 pm, Thursday, November 29, 1,026,275 people had signed and this number was growing. The online petition "for a drop in fuel prices at the pump", launched by one of the figures of "yellow vests" in the Paris region, exceeded, on the evening of Thursday, November 29, the million signatories on the platform

Launched at the end of May by Priscillia Ludosky, cosmetics saleswoman in Savigny-le-Temple (Seine-et-Marne), the petition has been a resounding success since the end of October, after being relayed on social networks and being the subject of 'Press articles. This is the second most signed petition since the opening of the platform in France in 2012, behind the petition "Act work, no thanks". Launched in 2016 by Caroline de Haas, she had collected 1.3 million signatures.

Priscillia Ludosky is one of two spokespersons for the "yellow vests" received Tuesday evening by the Minister of Ecological Transition, François de Rugy. The idea of ​​launching this petition is "come from the simple observation that [s]bill was increasing "she explained last week. "I wanted to know why, one search led to another, and I found that the explanation given by the government was not very consistent, I wanted to share my questioning with the motorists to see how 'they felt as concerned as me and also go to the ministry for answers'she added.

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