Murder of Alexia Daval: suspicious traces of drugs


This is a big question mark and another fear for Alexia's relatives. Where did the drugs – some of which were for sale – found in his body? Did she take them on her own? Did they provoke the famous "crises" described by Jonathann Daval, her husband and alleged murderer?

The examinations carried out on the remains of the 29-year-old banker who was killed in Gray-la-Ville (Haute-Saône) on the night of 27 to 28 October 2017, under conditions that remain to be determined, revealed that she had ingested several substances in the months before her death, to the astonishment of her family.

The blood and capillary samples showed the presence of three molecules: zolpidem (a hypnotic used as a sleeping pill), tetrazepam (a muscle relaxant) and especially tramadol (an opiate badgesic). Three substances contraindicated in pregnancy, whose interactions are dangerous and potentially heavy side effects.

"Could we have him take these substances without his knowledge?"

The first two molecules, detected in small quantities, have certainly been prescribed occasionally to Alexia in the past. But we must go back to the spring of 2012 to trace a prescription tetrazepam, which will be removed from the European market the following year … Had she kept the remains of these drugs, picking in occasionally? For example, Jonathann said she took her sleeping pills regularly.

"Alexia was athletic, she was very careful with her diet and especially she dreamed of having a child and had a heavy treatment to get there. She would never have taken a medicine, especially forbidden, which could have prevented her from getting pregnant or endangering the baby! "Assures a member of his family, who questions:" Was it possible to make him take these substances without his knowledge, in his food for example? Could they cause miscarriage in August 2017? "

More intriguing still, the important presence of tramadol which pleads for a "repeated consumption", according to the expert toxicologist, and this in particular at the end of 2016, just before the famous "crises" appear, or "black-out" as the Alexia had told his sister Stephanie. Apart from a phone call from her mother, where Alexia had seemed "drunk" and made incoherent remarks, no one, except Jonathann, has ever witnessed those moments when the young woman was convulsed, becoming aggressive before to sink into sleep … and to be struck by amnesia.

The civil parties request the seizure of the medical record of Jonathann Daval

The consultation with a neurologist in Dijon (Côte-d'Or) in March 2017, as well as an expert opinion commissioned by the investigating magistrate, did not make it possible to determine with certainty the origin, even if " erratic use[[[[of these drugs]could have promoted the recurrence of these disorders, "writes the doctor, who also advances the hypothesis of undiagnosed epilepsy.

Hallucinations, mental confusion, behavioral problems, agitation, aggression, but also amnesia and somnolence … Alexia's relatives keep in mind the long list of potential side effects of these three molecules, and continue to question. "Could these crises have been provoked knowingly? Or was the goal she was going to sleep one day at the wheel? It is necessarily the question, "says another intimate Alexia.

To remove the doubts, the plaintiffs asked the seizure of the medical record of Jonathann Daval, who attended regularly two doctors, to know if he himself could have been prescribed the molecules incriminated.

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