Murder of Alexia Daval: suspicious traces of drugs found in the body


Another rebound in the Daval affair? Traces of drugs, some forbidden, were discovered after biological tests performed on the blood and hair samples of Alexia, reveals the Parisian on Wednesday.

The question remains whether these drugs were ingested voluntarily and if they are at the origin of the "crises" of the young woman, mentioned by her husband Jonathann during the investigation.

Molecules to proscribe in case of pregnancy

Among the molecules highlighted are zolpidem, tetrazepam and especially tramadol. Namely a hypnotic used as a sleeping pill, a muscle relaxant and an badgesic of the family of opiates. So many substances to proscribe in case of pregnancy. Furthermore, these three drugs are dangerous when badociated and have heavy side effects.

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"Alexia was athletic, she was very careful with her diet and especially she dreamed of having a child and had a heavy treatment to get there. She would never have taken a medicine, especially forbidden, which could have prevented her from getting pregnant or who would have endangered the baby! ", a member of the family fells near the Parisian.

Traces of zolpidem and tetrazepam were detected in small amounts. They have been prescribed to Alexia Daval episodically in the past. Only, his last prescription for tetrazepam dates back to 2012, the molecule was also banned in France in 2013.

"Could we have him take these substances without his knowledge?"

However, the badyzes revealed a fairly significant presence of tramadol, demonstrating a "repeated consumption", particularly in late 2016, when the first "crises" of the young woman appeared. "The erratic use [de ces médicaments] may have contributed to the recurrence of these disorders, "says the doctor in charge of the expertise.

These discoveries prompt the family of the victim to ask many questions. "Could we have him take these substances without his knowledge, in his food for example, could they cause miscarriage in August 2017? Could these crises have been deliberately provoked? Or was the goal that she fell asleep one day at the wheel, asks a close friend of Alexia.

In order to know if the drugs were prescribed to Jonathann Daval, the civil parties claimed the seizure of his medical file. The suspect must also be heard by the inspectors this Thursday.

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