Murder of Kléony: the horror behind the door


DThe atrocities were committed behind the door of apartment number 153, 21 rue Pierre-et-Maurice-Garet, Amiens. They led to the death of Kléony, 4 years old, following a traumatic brain injury on Saturday night at the hospital.

The investigation did not establish precisely the act of violence that caused the fatal injury. On Thursday, the public prosecutor, Alexandre de Bosschère, said that the child could be thrown to the ground or against a wall. During the day of Wednesday, November 21, the condition of the injured child has continued to worsen in this family closet. The girl continued to suffer the wrath of her stepfather, until she fell into unconsciousness, and her mother calls the police on the pretext, misleading, that she was hit by a car.

The lie could have been believed, because it is for this accidental reason that the police began their investigation. It was not counting on the head of the police's miners' brigade, who "twitched" when she heard the name of the child. She knew that a few days before, two of her sisters were wounded after a supposed fall and a so-called robbery with violence, reports the departmental director of public security of the Somme, David Prud'homme.

When the police entered the home on Thursday, they found the only boy in the siblings, whom the mother was trying to hide in a room, because there were marks of violence on her face. And it took a bit of luck for the officials to hear suspicious noises: they allowed them to call Cédric Rohaut, the father-in-law, hidden on the upper floor, in an electrical cladding closet. The investigation found that in addition to Kléony, his older brother and two sisters, aged 11, 12 and 13, and his younger sister, 2, were abused.

In the closet all day, struck as soon as they come out

The three greatest did not speak spontaneously. But they ended up confiding. The facts are so atrocious that the prosecutor preferred not to detail them. Violence has been increasing since January, reaching its peak in recent days, so much so that no child went to school, because too marked by the marks of blows. According to the prosecutor, the father-in-law wanted to
belittle, humiliate children
", than "
each failure on their part, derisory or imaginary, was a pretext for violence "
: punches, feet, projections against the walls, on the floor, cold showers, deprivation of food or on the contrary obligation to eat a very spicy dish … The children could stay at the corner all day. Or in a closet. And when they went out, they were blamed for not having aired it, so they were hit.

Cédric Rohaut admitted to being responsible for Kléony's death and abusing the children, but he denies the acts of torture and barbarism. He defends himself by indicating that his concubine was unable to take care of his five unruly children. Julie Varlet said that she did not denounce him and that she hid the violence because, abused, she was afraid of his partner. She admitted to having slapped the children herself: to wake up one of them, one day, in particular.

The couple was indicted and placed in pre-trial detention. The investigation, entrusted to an examining magistrate, is just beginning. The case, by its violence, already marks the professionals of the police and prosecutors of Amiens, yet experienced in criminal cases involving minors.

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