Music: Paul McCartney, eternal Beatles


franceinfo, published on Wednesday November 28, 2018 at 11:56 pm

At 76, Paul McCartney is once again at the top of the hit charts, the most since 1982. His life after Beatles is almost a faultless journey. It was he who had the heavy task in 1970 to announce the end of the group and to rebuild his career nothing was easy. First, some have left him for dead with the Abbey Road wallet where we see a Paul McCartney, the only member of the Beatles barefoot. Even John Lennon will crucify him in the song How do you sleep? Cruel account settlements on the part of an accomplice in nearly 200 songs.

Mythical duos

In the 1970s, Paul McCartney returned to the stage and concerts with the Wings. He signs the James Bond soundtrack with the title Live and Let Die: the tube machine is relaunched.

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