National HIV testing campaign from November 1st to December 1st


The Ministry of Health is organizing from 1 November to 1 December 2018, the national campaign for screening for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), under the slogan '' Take the test, the solution exists ''.
Initiated as part of the celebration of World AIDS Day 2018 and the implementation of the 2017-2021 National AIDS Strategic Plan, this campaign aims to test 200,000 people, with priority given to pregnant women to prevent cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, young people and populations most at risk or vulnerable to HIV, in collaboration with all governmental and non-governmental partners, says a statement from Ministry of Health.
At the same time, a communication and social and community mobilization campaign will be launched to raise awareness of the importance of preventing and promoting HIV testing and combating all forms of stigmatization of people living with HIV, the statement said.
Of the estimated 20,000 people living with HIV in Morocco, nearly 30% do not know their HIV status and therefore do not have access to treatment.
Screening centers under the Ministry of Health and mobile testing facilities and units under thematic NGOs are available to anyone wishing to take the free HIV test. These centers are listed on a map published on the websites of the Ministry of Health and its official Facebook pages.

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