Netflix revisits the French Revolution fantastic way


The fans of the French Revolution may see red. As the relay West France this Wednesday, November 28, Netflix will rewrite this monument in the history of France. A revisited version where the fantastic will indeed be in the spotlight. According to the details of the regional daily, a mysterious virus, the Blue Blood, " spreads within the aristocracy and pushes the nobility to attack the people. In a statement taken by West France, the American platform of films and series explains that the hero of the series, Joseph Guillotin, investigates this strange epidemic.

Netflix prepares a fantastic series on the French Revolution

– West-France (@OuestFrance) November 28, 2018

A character inspired by Joseph Ignace Guillotin, doctor and real politician, who had not invented the guillotine itself but had made it adopted as a method of execution of those sentenced to death. While filming will start next year, the series will be produced by the French production company John Doe. If his name has not yet been revealed, his script was co-written by Gaia Guasti and Aurelian Molas, young novelist specializing in thrillers.

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