No, the ideal vulva does not exist


A study of 650 women shows that the size of the clitoris and labia minora vary considerably from one woman to another

For years now, unscrupulous cosmetic surgeons have been trying to convince women that their vulva is not normal! By "forgetting" to tell them three important things. First, no one knows what a normal female bad is. It is all the more scandalous to see, for example, some authors set quite arbitrarily thresholds from which they consider that we can speak of hypertrophy (size too large) of the labia minora. Not to mention these cosmetics, especially sold in India, to whiten the vulvas "too dark."

Second, even if we would define standards (we do not know more define what a face or a "normal" nose "That a" normal "vulva), it would only be statistics describing the most common forms. Biostatisticians are thus accustomed to consider that the "normal" limits of a large sample are those between which 95% of the inidividuals are found. Again, a perfectly arbitrary threshold

657 measured vulvae

Third, vulva forms have no impact on badual fulfillment. But if, physiologically, the size of the clitoris or small lips does not matter, it is not the same thing in the heads of some women. If one is complexed because one is persuaded to have an unsightly vulva, it can be more complicated to let go during the badual intercourse. But it is an indirect link. Hence the importance of knowing the natural variability, shapes, sizes, colors and textures of the vulva

 Credit: The Revenge of the Clitoris, Ed La Musardine (2016)
Credit: La clitoral contrast, Ed. La Musardine (2016) Damien Mascret

So it is only to answer the second question, that of the most frequent dimensions, that Professor Andreas Günthert, obstetrician gynecologist at the hospital cantonal of Lucerne, Switzerland, took action with twelve of his colleagues, the vulva of 657 women, average age of 47 years. And still it is only Caucasian, specify the authors, "in a concern to have a homogeneous population". We can not draw any universal conclusions.

With age the clitoris shrinks

The results, published at the end of June in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (BJOG), show the incredible variability of female bad. The length of the clitoris ranged from 0.5 to 34 mm. The distance between the clitoris and the urinary orifice was 3 to 65 mm. The length of the labia minora (those that protrude) ranged from 0.5 to 10 cm. With possible asymmetries between the small right lip and the small left lip. Their width oscillated between 1 mm and 6.1 cm! Finally, the labia majora, those that are the most external, in the form of bulges, varied in length from 1.2 to 18 cm.

Results that confirm, by widening, the large variations observed in 2005 by four gynecologists British College of London University Hospital on a group of 50 premenopausal women. This time, Swiss doctors also note that dimensions vary with age. Unlike testicles that get bigger with age, the labia minora tend to shrink, as does the size of the clitoris and the distance to the urinary opening.

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