Not convinced by Rugy, the yellow vests maintain the event scheduled Saturday in Paris


The two representatives of the yellow vests movement came out disappointed with their meeting with the Minister of Ecological Transition François de Rugy this Tuesday evening.

"It will be a first dialogue.We have brought the message of all yellow jackets" still said Priscilla Ludosky and Eric Drouet, spokesperson for the yellow vests on their release.

The Saturday demonstration maintained

"The French have not been convinced at all" by the announcements of President Emmanuel Macron. The feeling we have is that there is no real desire to improve the lives of people (…) We would like there to be a second meeting with Benjamin Griveaux or Edouard Philippe they said again, "we will be offered a meeting at a higher level."

Eric Drouet, one of the two spokespersons for the "yellow vests" received Tuesday evening by the Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition François de Rugy, called for a new event next Saturday in Paris, on the Champs-Elysees.

For his part, Minister for Ecological Transition François de Rugy considered that the discussion with the two representatives of the yellow vests was "very cordial, very free, we were able to discuss all subjects"

"I told them that I was available to meet a wider delegation," the minister told the press when he left, saying "their demands go far beyond the ecological transition, fuels".

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