Nurses can also vaccinate against the flu (and they say so!)


Good evening,
I am a nurse in Seclin and I am amazed by this promotion made to pharmacists!
This is an article where we put forward the new opportunity for pharmacists to vaccinate against influenza, especially in the region, which attracted the anger of several nurses. "
Why not promote the work of nurses who have been vaccinating since 2008!
», Writes another, pointing out that, unlike pharmacists, nurses can also care for patients who are not targeted by the vaccination campaign.

And the nurses point the finger at the training of pharmacists: "
Do you find it normal to be stung by a person who learned last week about an orange?
As well as the content of the job itself: "
I do not sell doliprane and the pharmacist is not a nurse!

The bonus of the discord

What is also criticized by nurses is that in addition to 6.30 euros per injection, pharmacists will be rewarded with a bonus of 100 euros if they practice more than five injections "
when the nurse vaccinates for 6.30 per injection and then that's it

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