One of the two spokespersons received by Rugy calls to demonstrate Saturday in Paris


Two spokespersons of the "yellow vests" received by François de Rugy, Minister of the Ecological Transition, November 27, 2018. – JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP

" We loose nothing ". Such seems to be the catchphrase of the moment of "yellow vests". And this is not a meeting with the Minister of Ecological Transition, which will change something. Eric Drouet, one of the two spokespersons for the "yellow vests" received this Tuesday evening by
François de Rugy, called for a new demonstration next Saturday in Paris, on the Champs-Elysees.

"The French have not been convinced at all" by the announcements of Emmanuel Macron, he said at the end of the meeting of nearly two hours in the ministry. "We had more wishes than that, we were not only on the ecological transition, we were on a much bigger debate," he said. Received with him at the ministry, another spokesman of the movement, Priscilla Ludosky, said he had asked François de Rugy a new meeting, this time with the "spokesman of the government or the Prime Minister."

"Continue every Saturday like this, at the Champs-Elysées"

The event next Saturday called some "yellow vests" is suddenly "maintained", said Eric Drouet. "There will be the rendezvous, as last Saturday, at the Champs-Elysees. The wish of all the "yellow vests" is to continue every Saturday like that, at the Champs-Elysees ".

Eric Drouet and Priscillia Ludosky, both at the origin of the protest movement, are part of a delegation of eight "spokespersons" created Monday to engage in a "serious and necessary contact" with the authorities and carry a series of claims. But their representativity is debated within this heterogeneous movement, born on social networks outside any political or union framework, some claiming that they have "self-proclaimed".

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