OpinionWay Poll for LCI / RTL / Le Figaro – Yellow Vests: Insufficient Macron Measures for 76% of French


OPINION – The announcements of the President of the Republic have not convinced the French, tells us an opinion poll for LCI – RTL – Le Figaro, conducted Tuesday, November 27. They are three out of four to judge insufficient measures and two out of three to continue to support the movement of yellow vests.

– The drafting of LCI

Treat both the "end of the month" problems and the urgent need to fight "the end of the world". This was the message carried by Emmanuel Macron, Tuesday, November 27. On the agenda of the presidential announcements: the announcement of a modulation of fuel taxes if the price of a barrel of oil were to be higher and, in parallel, the establishment within three months of a national debate on the transition ecological. The challenge: to ensure that the government's ecological measures, which by their very nature affect the way the French drink, leave no one behind.

Soothing is not now

After a big week of crisis, Emmanuel Macron's reaction was expected and it did not translate into the numbers. According to an OpinionWay survey for LCI / RTL / Le Figaro, carried out on November 27 by means of a self-administered questionnaire, 76% of those surveyed rate Emmanuel Macron's "insufficient" measures to calm the movement of the vests. yellow. In detail, they are 43% to judge them "not at all sufficient", 33% to find them "not sufficient". On the contrary, they are 16% to judge them "rather sufficient" and 6% to put them in the category "quite sufficient", 2% of respondents not pronouncing.

A rejection which increases without surprise according to the votes or the partisan proximities displayed by the people questioned. 81% of supporters of the PCF and insubordinate France make a negative judgment on the presidential measures, 85% for relatives of the PS, 86% for Republicans and 91% for the National Gathering. For those who do not show any partisan preference, the disappointment is 84% ​​of those surveyed. Conversely, they are 63% of supporters of LaRem, the presidential movement, to be satisfied with both proposals. Sign that the electoral base of Emmanuel Macron is changing, they are nevertheless 55% among his voters of 2017 to judge the announced device insufficient.

Regarding the flagship measure demanded by the yellow vests (the cancellation of additional fuel taxes planned for next January), we find comparable figures: 91% of unskilled, 81% of socialists or 93% of supporters of the RN are favorable. One thing remains to note: the supporters of La République en marche are not resolutely opposed to it. They are 50% to support it, and therefore 50% not to want it.

The movement still widely supported

Finally, the last lesson of this survey, and not least: what popular support still benefits the Yellow Vests, after 11 days of movement, blockages, and while the demonstration of the Champs-Elysees, Saturday, November 24, scored by the extent of the damage and tensions? OpinionWay's measure does not reflect drastic changes. They are thus 66% to continue to support it, with 38% of "quite" and 28% of "rather", against 18% of "rather not" and 14% of "rather not at all". Figures quite comparable to those observed in the latest surveys conducted by the polling institute. They are even slightly more numerous than at November 14-15 (65% support) and November 21-22 (64%).

Survey carried out on November 27 with a sample of 1013 people, constituted according to the quota method, in terms of gender, age, socio-professional category, agglomeration category and region of residence.

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