Organic eating reduces the risk of cancer


Health goes through the plate. Proof of this is with this new French study published in the American medical journalJAMA and relayed by Le Monde. This work, published Monday, October 22, are the first to "point out such risks in the general population regarding cancer," says the newspaper. The conclusions of the French researchers reveal a 25% decrease in the risk of cancer in people who consume regularly products from organic farming. Better still, the risk reduction is 34% for bad cancer in menopausal women and 76% for lymphoma (a type of cancer of the blood).

"To explain these results, the hypothesis of the presence of synthetic pesticide residues much more common and at higher doses in foods from conventional agriculture compared to organic foods is most likely," says Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot , researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA) and co-author of this work.

"The common sense attitude is to limit its exposure to pesticides"

In detail, this study used data from 70,000 people, followed between 2009 and 2016. The volunteers were divided into four groups clbadified according to their consumption of products from organic farming. During the seven years of follow-up, 1,340 new cases of cancer were diagnosed. The researchers then observed the distribution of diseases according to organic consumption.

The authors nevertheless provide a precision: an epidemiological study can not provide definitive proof of a causality. Other work must therefore be conducted "to clarify the link of cause and effect," they suggest. But, meanwhile, Emmanuel Ricard, prevention delegate to the League against cancer, estimates in the columns of the World that "the common sense attitude is to limit its exposure to pesticides and other synthetic substances".

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