Parkinson: Theranexus launches a clinical study of 60 patients in Europe and the USA


THN102 is Theranexus' most advanced drug candidate. This young biopharmaceutical company from Lyon announces on Monday the inclusion of its first patient suffering from excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in Parkinson's disease in its phase 2 clinical study evaluating its drug candidate THN102.

"We will conduct this study in more than 20 centers in Europe and the United States with about 60 patients with Parkinson's disease and suffering from BDS ", explains Franck Mouthon, co-founder and CEO of Theranexus," the main criterion of the study is the tolerance to treatment of the drug candidate THN102 in these patients, the secondary efficacy criteria include an badessment of drowsiness, alertness and cognition.

Theranexus Medical Director, Werner Rein, "Excessive daytime sleepiness is a disabling non-motor symptom and an important accident risk factor affecting 20 to 50% of patients with Parkinson's disease – the second most common neurodegenerative disease." the most common. Our results will be available by the end of the first semester of 2019. "

If successful, Lyon's biotech company plans to realize an industrial partnership in the second half of 2019.

Created in 2013 by two former scientists of the CEA (Mathieu Charveriat and Franck Mouthon), Theranexus works mainly on the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Remember that one in five people in the world is affected by one of these diseases, such as narcolepsy, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease or neuropathic pain. By optimizing the effectiveness of psychotropic drugs already approved, it reduces the costs and time to market of these promising treatments.

This company was introduced on the stock market in October 2017 and its market capitalization raises to 49 million euros.

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