Parkinson's disease would start in the appendix


Parkinson's disease has long been considered a brain disease but several studies have pointed to the role of the digestive system.

The authors of a study based on medical data of 1.7 million Swedes, followed for some for half a century, found that those who had had a temperature rise, the material usually undergoes internal transformations (pyrolysis) by injecting … "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-ablation-2067 / "data-more =" Read more ">ablation of the appendix at the beginning of their lives had a risk of developing the Parkinson disease reduced by 19%. The effect seems specific to Swedes living in rural areas. For them, the risk is reduced by 25%, while in urban areas, a reduction in risk could not be observed.

As for those who developed the Parkinson diseaseresearchers found that appendectomy (removal of the appendix) was badociated with a later onset of three and a half years on average, said lead author Viviane Labrie of the Van Andel Research Institute in Michigan, on a conference call with the press on Tuesday, October 30th.

"Our work suggests that the appendix could play a role in the onset of Parkinson's disease", she explained, stressing that this role was probably not exclusive.

Links between Parkinson's disease and the digestive system

Parkinson's patients also suffer from gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation, appeared a decade or more before the Symptom Examples
The symptoms can affect different organs:

muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, digestive problems, disorders of the … "data-image =" 8 / e882bacd5b_96032_symptome-woman-mal-head.jpg "data-url =" / health / definitions / medecine-symptom-834 / "data-more =" Read more ">symptoms what are tremors and other motor problems. This prompted the scientific community to take an interest in the role of theDigestive.

The appendix is ​​a storage site for bacteria intestinal and also seems to play a role in the innate or non-specific response
The answer no … "data-image =" "data-url = "/ sante / definitions / medecine-immune-system-2722 /" data-more = "Read more">immune response. It is also the "reservoir" of a Protein Roles
Proteins can perform a variety of functions within the cell or organism.
They can have:
a structural role (like the actin or the tubulin which … "data-image =" -thomas-splettstoesser-cc.jpg "data-url =" / health / definitions / biology-protein-237 / "data-more =" Read more ">protein key in the Parkinson disease, named alpha-synuclein, especially in an abnormal form.

Now, this protein is abundant in the appendix in everyone, sick or not. Which suggests to researchers that the abnormal protein sometimes manages to escape from the appendix to the brain function
Located in the cranial box, the brain is the seat of higher functions (cognitive functions, senses, nervous responses) and vegetative functions. It is therefore an essential organ that ensures the regulation of all … "data-image =" /5cb474dd85_121782_cerveau-3d.jpg "data-url =" / health / definitions / biology-brain-3125 / "data-more =" Read more ">brainwhere it would cause damage.

"This protein does not like to stay in one placeViviane Labrie explained. She gets to move from Neural Structure
Each neuron is composed of:
of a cell body or pericaryon with the nucleus, very many ramifications of the dendritic type (hence … "data-image =" /midioriginal/4/8/4/4845b46c32_50034180_neurone-dr.jpg "data-url =" / health / definitions / neuron-biology-209 / "data-more =" Read more ">neurone in neuron »
. And precisely, a nerve, the role of the vagus nerve
On the motor level, … "data-image =" "data- url = "/ health / definitions / medicine-nerve-wave-11240 /" data-more = "Read more">vagus nerve, connects the digestive tract to the brain. Experiments have shown that the protein is able to take this path. "If it enters the brain, it can set in and develop until it has neurotoxic effects that could lead to Parkinson disease "adds the researcher.

Should we remove his appendix?

The authors of the study warned the press that it was not a matter of recommending everyone to remove the appendix. "We also do not say that if you have had a removal, you will not have Parkinson's disease.", warns Viviane Labrie. Nevertheless, this work provides a further clue to the role of the small organ; what could one day lead to therapies to neutralize this tank. For the moment, a cause-and-effect relationship has not been established. As is the case with studies of this type, many factors not taken into account could explain the difference between those who have been ablated and others.

In addition, as the statistician, Kevin McConway, The Open Universitystudies have been conducted in the past on the link between appendicectomy and various diseases, sometimes leading to increased risk, sometimes to reduced risk. A study of Danes, published in 1996, included an increased risk of Parkinson's disease, not reduced. But in conclusion, Appendix appears more and more as a serious candidate for solving the mystery of Parkinson's disease. A mystery with which 10 million people live today in the world.

Parkinson's disease: gut and recycling of mitochondria involved

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