policemen demonstrate after the sentences of three yellow vests


About fifty police gathered Wednesday in Reims (Marne) to express their anger after the decision of the criminal court to sentence three yellow vests for violence, including a police officer, to jail terms.

"We demand the application of the law"

"Angry police," chanted the fifty or so protesters of the unions SGP Police Unit FO, Alliance and Unsa, gathered on the steps of the courthouse of Reims.

"We demand the application of the law, because to attack a policeman is to attack the Republic We demand that the justice show the greatest firmness when the last ramparts of the society are badaulted," said Christian Pous Regional Secretary Champagne-Ardenne Unit SGP Police FO.

18 months in prison

On Friday, three yellow vests were sentenced to up to 18 months in prison by the Reims Criminal Court for violence, including a policewoman, during a dam filtering Saturday, November 17.

This sanction is to date the heaviest given to yellow vests in France, but without a deposit warrant. Their sentences are adaptable with the wearing of an electronic bracelet.

"Zero tolerance"

"Part of the judiciary, that of the headquarters, is basic anti-cop and we are tired of this situation," said Yves Lefebvre, General Secretary of Unit SGP Police FO.

The union demands "zero tolerance for the perpetrators of offenses against the police".

A new demonstration of yellow vests is scheduled for Saturday, December 1 in Paris.

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