Prescription sport: HAS publishes a guide


Since 2016, doctors have been able to prescribe physical activity like any other therapy. Still, some brakes persist. The High Authority for Health (HAS) has developed a guide to accompany doctors and help them conduct consultations dedicated to physical activity. "It is addressed in particular to the city doctors: they are the best interlocutors to convince the patients of the benefits of the physical activity. It is further demonstrated that prescribing is a factor of adherence to physical activity, "says Professor Dominique Le Guludec, president of the HAS, quoted by Le Quotidien du Médecin (October 18). "There is virtually no contraindication to light to moderate physical activity," said Dr. Alexandre Feltz, general practitioner and deputy mayor of the city of Strasbourg in charge of public health; a city in the forefront of support for the medical prescription of sports activity, quoted in the medical daily. Dominique Le Guludec hopes that "the doctors [vont s’emparer] of these tools to improve the prescription of physical activity throughout the territory. Remains the problem of its coverage by health insurance … this is not the case today and it is therefore an obstacle. In addition to its guide, HAS offers six specific references for obesity, type 2 diabetes, obstructive pulmonary disease, arterial hypertension, stable coronary artery disease and stroke. Others will follow in 2019 regarding cancer, the elderly, chronic heart failure, depression and pregnancy.

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