products from tower # 2 also contaminated


The plant producing infant milk powder, owned by the Lactalis group, on December 4, 2017 in Craon.
The plant producing infant milk powder, owned by the Lactalis group, on December 4, 2017 in Craon. DAMIEN MEYER / AFP

Two types of salmonella were found in products manufactured by the Lactalis plant's second tower in Craon, Mayenne, during self-checks conducted by the group shortly before the start of the contaminated milk business. This is revealed by documents from the Directorate General of Health (DGS), consulted Thursday, November 29 by Agence France-Presse.

On 20 December 2017, the Lactalis group extended its recall-withdrawal "To all the products manufactured on the Craon site since February 15, 2017 following the highlighting of Salmonella mbandaka and Salmonella agona in products manufactured by the tower nº 2 during environmental self-checks in Novemberaccording to reports of weekly health safety meetings organized under the auspices of the DGS.

Read also Lactalis accused of having sold 8,000 tons of milk powder despite contamination with salmonellosis

"A major new element"

Tower No. 2 resumed production in July. "It's about the absence of contamination in tower nº 2 that the group relies to justify the reopening of the Craon plant "said the president of the badociation of families victims of tainted milk (AFVLCS), Quentin Guillemain. According to him, "This towerº 2 is a major new element insofar as Lactalis has always ensured that the phenomenon of contamination was limited to tower nº 1 '.

Read also The decried return of infant milks from Lactalis

Lactalis' director of communications, Michel Nalet, said he did not know this document. But in the report of the commission of inquiry of the Senate of April 5, 2018, the Director General of the Directorate General of competition, consumption and the repression of frauds (DGGCCRF) already evoked the detection of salmonella in " the environment " from tower 2.

Following the scandal linked to the contamination Salmonella agona, Lactalis was forced to stop production at the Craon plant in December 2017 and to recall all of the infant milk production of this plant.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also After the scandal Lactalis, it is urgent to "create a single authority of sanitary control"
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