Prohibition of spanking: what happens in the head of a child who receives one?


SANCTION – This Thursday evening, the deputies will vote on a bill to include in the Civil Code the prohibition of ordinary educational violence such as bad. According to one study, no less than 40% of parents admit to using it. But do they know what the child feels internally when receiving this form of punishment?

– Roman THE VERN

Once again this Thursday, November 29, MPs will vote on a bill against ordinary educational violence, led by Maud Petit (MoDem), claiming that "children have the right to education without violence" and that "the holders of parental authority can not use humiliating means such as physical and verbal violence, corporal punishment or punishment, moral suffering. "

For the first time, the ban on slapping and bad is likely to be pbaded – previous draft laws on the subject have so far never been successful – thus banning what is still considered social norm (the famous "it is-for-his-good"). Because in a study conducted in 2014 by the observatory "Approved by families", 40% of parents admitted to use physical reprimands (slapping and bad), for the vast majority (39.6%) exceptionally. A practice well anchored in our manners, therefore.

But those who hold this good old saying that "a bad has never hurt" do they know what is going on in a child's head when they receive one? Muriel Salmona, psychiatrist and president of Traumatic Memory and Victimology, speaks in a text published in The Obs a "sneering" caused by a momentary paralysis of the cerebral cortex (the gray matter that makes it possible to understand, badyze, make decisions and to act) and the hippocampus (the memory exploitation system , learning and temporo-spatial landmarks). A state linked to the shock created by fear, pain, surprise.

It is first of all the incomprehension that the child feels, incomprehension which explains that a bad will never have the least educational valueSamuel Dock, Clinical Psychologist

For the clinical psychologist Samuel Dock, it remains difficult to know exactly what is happening in the head of a child being spanked, but any adult can imagine it taking into account what we know about the development of the child and his early identifications: "The parent represents the environment of the child, he is the guarantor of the security of his universe, the rules and the rewards he can receive. , it sends shatter this universe, and it is first of all the incomprehension that the child feels, misunderstanding which explains that a bad will never have the least educational value, he explains to LCI The parent valued the child, he shows by the body that the latter is inferior to him, and it is a lived experience of humiliation that crosses him ". The psychologist states that with "the parent who spoke and now who knocks, the child can feel what is similar to an admission of parental weakness."

A practice such as bad therefore violates the rights, dignity, physical and psychological integrity of children, their health, their well-being, their development and their learning. Especially since the fear it provokes is accentuated by the fact that the hands no longer have the same symbolic function in the eyes of the child: "In the old days, these hands of parents expressed tenderness and suddenly, they type. parent who was loving changes face: all that is scary.It is fear that dominates the picture.When bads are brought to repeat, anger takes over, anger as the only answer to the lack of language " .

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