Prostate, lung, colon: the 3 most common tumors in humans



© Adobe Stock Cancer is the leading cause of death in France. In its annual report entitled "Cancers in France" published on July 4, 2018, the National Cancer Institute (INCa) reveals that the three most common tumors in humans are located in the prostate, lung and colon.

Lung cancer: the leading cause of death in humans

"In 2017, the number of new cancer cases in metropolitan France is estimated at 399 626, of which 214 021 are men and 185 605 are women". In the man, the three most common solid tumors are those of the prostate with 48 427 new cases in 2013, those of lung with 32 260 new cases and colorectal tumors with 24 035 new cases.

Regarding mortality rates, cancer of the lung is the leading cause of cancer death in humans with 20,815 deaths . Colorectal cancer caused 9,294 deaths and prostate cancer caused 8,207 deaths.

INCa states that prostate cancer and lung cancer in men have had a higher incidence in the northern departments of France between 2008 and 2010.

How to get tested?

Prostate cancer: The reference exams that Prostate cancer diagnostics include digital rectal examination, PSA (protein synthesized by the prostate) and biopsy (sampling). Once the diagnosis is made, an extension badessment must be carried out. This report consists of gathering as much information as possible before choosing the appropriate treatment.

Lung cancer: In case of general signs (fatigue, dysphagia …) or typical of lung cancer (persistent cough , chronic hoarseness, bloody sputum …), it is recommended to consult your doctor who will be able to take into account the symptoms, the risk factors and carry out a check-up. In these potential patients or those at risk (especially smokers), screening by a specialist is a follow-up, whether by chest X-ray, CT scan, autofluorescence fibroscopy or sputum badysis.

Colon: Colon cancer goes unnoticed at first. This is why it is very difficult to detect at an early stage. As part of the national organized screening program for colorectal cancer, all people between the ages of 50 and 74 are invited to be screened every two years. The doctors give the populations concerned an envelope containing instructions for use, a form and a device for taking the stool. After completing the form and reading the directions for use, the patient should install the stool collection sheet on the toilet seat. After defecation, he must open the tube provided with the kit and collect stool using the stem. He must then put the rod back into the tube and screw it. After the test, simply slide the tube and the form into the large envelope provided by the doctor, then send it by post.

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